Nossa História

Move sua ideia. Mova seu negócio. Move você.
Há mais de 10 anos que os Territórios impulsionam empreendedores locais com propostas de valor únicas – únicas como cada pessoa e únicas como cada ideia. Temos incubadoras em locais também eles únicos: seja numa escola do Antigo Regime, dentro de um autódromo ou num mercado agroalimentar. Gostamos de “projetos chave na mão”: desenvolvemos projetos na íntegra para que no final só tenha de abrir a porta.

Horas de Trabalho

Monday - Friday 09:00AM-17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday FECHADOS

Intervention Magazines

First Serial

Nº 1 – February 1977


“INTERVENTION” comes from the efforts of a group of animators who verified the need and space for a socio-cultural animation magazine.

Nº 2 – March 1977


It’s said that those who do things they like do not get tired, however we don’t want to run a solitary road. For that reason, we request your support, and that’s one of our concerns.

Nº 3 e 4 – April and May 1977


Despite the difficulties and delays here we are. It is perhaps time to make an analysis of what we are, and what we would like to be with you. These first 3 numbers were for clearing.

Nº 5 e 6 – November and December 1977


With all the difficulties inherent in a magazine lauched in the “unknown space” of Socio-Cultural Animation, “INTERVENTION” completes one year of publication.

Nº 7 – May 1978


The first months of 1978 were for various cultural associations, months of restructuring, reorganization, definition of objectives and working methods.

Nº 8 – July 1978


All human society, because it exists as an organized set of people and institutions, has a given culture, that is, a set of ethical and aesthetic values, which result from a certain vision (knowledge) of the real and that inform – and also express – the behavior of the different subjects.

Nº 9 – November 1978


1979, will be Children’s International Year. The decision of the Assembly of the United Nations will, however, be nothing more than a simple draft of intentions, if in each country its implementation does not exceed the commemorations of principles with which everyone is more or less in agreement.

Nº 10 – February 1979


The 2nd meeting of Cultural Associations and Animators decided to consider “Intervention” as an organ of Cultural Associations and Animators, replacing and giving continuity to “Viva” bulletin, created at the encounter, which had 2 numbers.

Nº 11 – May and June 1979


In the editorial of the previous number, we defined which are the main strenght lines and priorities and “Intervention” – organ of cultural associations and animators.

Nº 12 – July and August 1979


In all domains of national collective life, the fundamental question, which implies the others, is about the destiny of the constitutional project, which draws a society of transition to socialism, with the democratic power of the workers by goal.

Nº 13 – September and October 1979


Without wishing to replace the essencial discussion about the evaluation of the 3rd Meeting of Cultural Associations and Animators, one thing is certain: the 3 rd meeting belongs in the past.

Nº 14 – January and February 1980


At a large meeting of “Intervention”‘ workers, that happened in Lisbon, on the 23rd of February 1980, culminating a long process of internal discussion, it was decided to move on with a set of proposals, that will countribute to the viability of the magazine, that is, a diminishing dependence – we hope – of official subsidies.

Nº 15 – March and April 1980


Three years ago “Intervention” came up with its first issue. If we had not (and knew) built the cathedral of Strasbourg we had at least, the illusion that gave her life. If all illusion has a purpose, ours was to be a space – a great meeting place.

Nº 16 – October 1980


After three years, “Intervention” doesn’t change its “outfit”. The change of direction can only be understood as assuming “the nerves and the new blood of all those who give it life”.

2<sup>nd</sup> Series

Nº 1 – January 1982


So much and so little time without publising. Many things happened, some ink ran and somehow the practice underwent transformations.

Nº 2 – February 1982


We cross the desert of cultural superstructure. The way things are done in the different cultural rooms are wasted.

Nº 3 e 4 – March and April 1982


In April, speaking of the Space is like a breath of fresh air that beats us head on. Air that we still breathe between walls and towers that increasingly cover our eyes and prevent us from communicating.

Nº 5 – May and June 1982


Sometimes the magazine borns within us, it comes from the bottom. And each time it is born it is as if something new happens, as if discovering a new part of each of us. And the magazine starts to be a bit of us all.

Nº 6 – July and August 1982


June was the 1st stage of one that we wish had no end. After the time that the magazine was “interrumpted” and entered the “boot” phase, we thought that that time that passed should not be wasted.

Nº 7 e 8 – December 1982 and January 1983


Could it be any other way? The time of absolut certainty has passed. More than ever, it’s essencial to assum the search, don’t perpetuate images, don’t forget that things tranform, and that we can transform them.

Nº 9 – January 1984


3<sup>rd</sup> Series

Nº 1 – 1985


It privileged in the period subsequent to basic cultural action and / or literacy and / or militancy in popular organizations and associations. Today it has no party.

Nº 2 May 1985


Simple things are hard. The road accidents were overcomed and the glorious day of 19 of December of 1984 has arrived.

Nº 3 November 1986


At the fourth conference of European Ministers responsible for cultural affairs, held in Berlim in 1984, the european declaration on cultural objetives was approved.

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